Come join us at the Morgan County Fair 2024 Lego Contest, brought to you by Scouting America- Abraham Lincoln Council. Each contestant will be given an identical box of Lego and tasked with bringing an idea to life! Whether you are a Lego novice or a MASTER BUILDER, this event is sure to be fun for the whole family.

Click on the topics below to learn more about the Lego Competition.

  • Registration: 12:00-12:30PM

    Build Time: 12:30-1:00PM

    Judging: 1:00PM

    Announcing Winners: approx. 1:15PM

    *If the contestant is not present at the time the build starts, they will forfeit their spot.

  • Builders will have 30 minutes to build a creation out of Lego that aligns with a common theme. Theme will be announced the day of contest. At the end of the 30 minutes, pictures will be taken of each creation and contestants will have the opportunity to speak to the judges about their build. Contestants are not required to speak if they don't want to.

  • Judging criteria will be based on the following criteria:

    -creativity and originality

    -following theme

    -use of Lego elements

    -overall appearance and attractiveness

    -structural stability

  • Results of the contest will be announced on the day of the contest.

    First, second, and third place will receive a prize, with first and second place receiving a certificate guaranteeing them a place in the Illinois Sate Fair Lego Contest for this year.

    Prizes and certificates will be awarded the day of the contest, however special arrangements can be made if needed.

  • On the day of the competition:

    -sign in

    -pick up registration bag

    -optional photo release form

    A QR code will be handed out that will have pictures from the day posted. You may download or save those pictures.